maanantaina, tammikuuta 31, 2011

money, money, money

I'm sorry I've been lazy and haven't been writing here for so long,
'cause I don't know what to write about :D

Well.. today I didn't attend on physical education, because my knee was so bad.
And after school I went to town by bus and just spent time with my friends.
Tomorrow my mums brother is coming to give me remedial teaching on Swedish. ( I'm not so good at it..)
To crown it all, I get my money tomorrow ; >
So... SHOPPING on Wednesday with Nea !

Now I'll go take my dog out.. Then I have to do my 8 min abs, and go to shower : >
So good night !

XoXo, Aino !

perjantaina, tammikuuta 28, 2011


Finally weekend !
Omg... I've waited this for all week :d
Tonight I'm probably gonna be with Ayan, Julia, Petra and Jessi, BABES !
I'll just hope it's gonna be fun : >
So... C'ya later :*

p.s. I'm sorry I didn't write yesterday :s
I didn't even open the computer and I'm proud of my self, 'cause sometimes I spend too much time just being on computer and doing nothing.

XoXo, Aino

keskiviikkona, tammikuuta 26, 2011

nothing new : )

So today I went back to school... And it was a normal day,
except that our math teacher wasn't at school so we had "a free lesson" : d
And I'm so angry... 'Cause I've had a fight with couple of my friends for a while and it's just getting worse :s Will see where this is going...
But now to sleep ^^

Good Night,
xoxo Aino : *

tiistaina, tammikuuta 25, 2011

just chilling

Hello : )
This morning when I woke up... I didn't feel so well. I felt sick and my stomach was throwing cartwheel :s (can you say that ? :D)
So my mum let me stay home and I did : >
Now I have been just chilling the whole day by watching TV.
In the evening I have plan to go see my friend Samu while I'll take my dog out for a walk.

This was my "casual look" today ! : )
Here is some music for my mood right now : )

maanantaina, tammikuuta 24, 2011

Platanias !

I can't believe this but I'm going into Platanias 16.6. with my friends family !
I'm so excited end eager to go there.. With NEA ! ^^

We have already all plans what we are gonna do : d
.. party, beach, shopping, beach, party... ;D
It's gonna be soooou much fun : >

Here is a some pics ; )

sunnuntaina, tammikuuta 23, 2011

splitting into half

I'm splitting into half...
It's so hard when two friends have a huge fight !
Generally speaking.. You shouldn't choose side
but it's hard when both open to you and you shouldn't tell anyone or say anything notable : /
Especially when almost everyone are making attack towards the other.
The whole thing should be between them two, not 10 to 10 !
Well.. I just hope they two can be friends again at some day : )

I'll go to bed now, 'cause is a normal school day.

Good Night Sleep Tight,
xoxo Aino


  • Aino Katariina
  • 15 years
  • original hair color is light brown, and eyes grey-brown
  • live in Turku
  • 2 half sisters and 1 half brother (all adults)
  • love summer, dancing, family, friends, having really fun ; )
  • activities have been; hip hop dancing, disco and show dancing, badminton, aerobics (longest)
  • my opinion about life is; everything is meant to be happened, as good as bad things too
  • I'd like to get education into (finnish language) restonomi
If you want to know something else, just ask : >

And here is some pics about my life;

1. Me and my cousin Iida ( a bit old )
2. Last May Day ( Daniella and Ellida ) we had really fun : >
3. Exalted Bepe Baron ( my dog )
4. Princesses; Me, Jessica, Daniella ! But Nea and Linda are missing : (


Well... I suddenly had something to do
when my mum asked me to make her up and put her hair really glam ;D

And I think I did it well ? : >

lazy sunday

I woke up just few ours ago and I'm still really tired. I had in my plans to go today at gym working out a bit, but I think I don't have energy to carry out :s
So instead working out I'll just relax at home : )

p.s. I'll try today take some photos and tell something about my life !

lauantaina, tammikuuta 22, 2011


I had so much fun at friday and I start to notice it.
I'm so tired and exhausted.. But tomorrow (today) I'll give you some information about me : )
Now to bed, so see ya tomorrow babes :*

From apology to forgiveness

I'm sorry I failed
and I'm sorry I falled into sin,
I feel bad about hurting you
and I ain't gonna do it again.

But the thing I don't feel bad
or I'm not sorry,
is being just a human
and going through my mistakes.

finally here !

I've had this blog for so long time but "never had time" to do anything.
I'm not so good at english, so please don't make fun of my mistakes :D

Will see how often I visit here : )