sunnuntaina, tammikuuta 23, 2011


  • Aino Katariina
  • 15 years
  • original hair color is light brown, and eyes grey-brown
  • live in Turku
  • 2 half sisters and 1 half brother (all adults)
  • love summer, dancing, family, friends, having really fun ; )
  • activities have been; hip hop dancing, disco and show dancing, badminton, aerobics (longest)
  • my opinion about life is; everything is meant to be happened, as good as bad things too
  • I'd like to get education into (finnish language) restonomi
If you want to know something else, just ask : >

And here is some pics about my life;

1. Me and my cousin Iida ( a bit old )
2. Last May Day ( Daniella and Ellida ) we had really fun : >
3. Exalted Bepe Baron ( my dog )
4. Princesses; Me, Jessica, Daniella ! But Nea and Linda are missing : (

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