maanantaina, tammikuuta 31, 2011

money, money, money

I'm sorry I've been lazy and haven't been writing here for so long,
'cause I don't know what to write about :D

Well.. today I didn't attend on physical education, because my knee was so bad.
And after school I went to town by bus and just spent time with my friends.
Tomorrow my mums brother is coming to give me remedial teaching on Swedish. ( I'm not so good at it..)
To crown it all, I get my money tomorrow ; >
So... SHOPPING on Wednesday with Nea !

Now I'll go take my dog out.. Then I have to do my 8 min abs, and go to shower : >
So good night !

XoXo, Aino !

1 kommentti:

Nea kirjoitti...

shopping jeaah!;)